Problem with Epson ET-2760 Waste Counter Reset Solved

Problem with Epson ET-2760 Waste Counter Reset Solved

Many Epson ET-2760 printer owners often struggle with printing. Even though they own what is advertised as a printer with an easy-to-fill, supersized ink tank, it is no use when the equipment decides to seize printing. It is especially annoying when, in fact, it could still print for a long time. However, one thing stops it from doing so, the waste ink counter. Luckily, Wic Reset Connect is here to help! The Epson ET-2760 ink pad reset is a remedy to your waste ink counter problems.

Epson ET-2760 Reset — Waste Ink Counter Issue Explained

Not all printing issues need a specialist’s help. Some can easily and quickly be solved in the comfort of your home. Do not believe us? Read on to see what causes your Epson ET-2760 to stop working. The Epson ET-2760 model has a special counter. Its function is to track the pages you print and the head cleanings performed. On that basis, the printer can calculate how full the waste ink container is. The issue is that such an estimation is usually far from correct. Yes, you can print longer and the only issue that stops you is the counter. Can it be fixed? Of course!

How Can I Quickly Solve Epson ET-2760 Problem?

Need no repairs and a cheap and totally self-sufficient solution? We have something just perfect for you, the Epson ET-2760 ink pad reset Wic Reset Connect program. A quick, easy, and safe reset of your Epson ET-2760 printer’s counter allows you continuous use. After all, when your container is not actually empty, why replace it just because the counter says so? But how to perform an Epson ET-2760 ink pad reset?

Epson ET-2760 — Reset Waste Ink Counter in a Few Steps

The last thing you need is a tiresome and lengthy Epson ET-2760 ink pad reset process to go through. The good news is, that there are only three simple steps to get your printer back to work:

  • Components Check

Epson ET-2760 ink pad reset will not be successful without a working PC (with Windows in version 7 to 11) with Internet access. Additionally, you should be in possession of the USB cable to connect your Epson ET-2760 printer to your computer. You will not perform a reset without it because the Wic Reset Connect Program does not work over Wi-Fi.

  • Connection Check

Once you have all the components you need, you must connect them to the Epson ET-2760 printer. First, install and open the Wic Reset Utility Program. Find your Epson ET-2760 printer in the panel displayed on the left. Choose a USB connection and click the ‘Read waste counters’ button. Then you will notice a pop-up box with the status of the counters. If it is around 100% it is high time to perform the Epson ET-2760 ink pad reset.

  • Epson ET-2760 Ink Pad Reset

In the last step, download and run the Wic Reset Connect program, which will display a text box. Simply paste the Wic Reset Connect key you purchased and hit ‘Reset’. After around 2 minutes of processing time, your printer will regain the ability to print. Magic? Maybe! But be careful! The ‘spell’ may not work if you do not let the computer be for that time. Do not click, or run apps, or software, browse the Internet and soon enough your reset will be completed! After you receive the notification of a finished process, switch off the program and the printer. Turn it on and wake up in a new world of printing possibilities!

Wic Reset Connect

Software for resetting the absorber counter in Epson and Canon printers
$ 6
  • Reset printer Epson & Canon
  • Works on Windows 7 - 11
  • Reset via USB only

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